Carson Connections is dedicated to helping you create a healthy body and healthy business. Our firm was built on the belief that you deserve the best quality of service and care when it comes to your wellbeing, both physically and financially. Therefore, we have aligned ourselves with professionals in their area of service, in order to connect you to sources which will provide you with tools to achieve your health and wealth goals. The two go hand and hand. Having a successful business is worth very little if you are physically not healthy enough to enjoy it. Likewise, your having excellent health without a great bank account, is equally not enjoyable. Let Carson Connections connect you to a healthy body and healthy business!
Healthy Body: Carson Connections partnered with HealthNation, as a healthcare solution for Americans. Access to quality care at an affordable price, is a huge crisis in the U.S. Telemedicine is a solution to challenge. Very simply put, it connecting doctors with patients using everyday technology such as phone, email or webcam. You can consult with a US Based and Licensed M.D. or Naturopathic doctor, and even receive a diagnostic review and prescription, from the comfort and privacy of your own home. All of this is for only $30/ per entire household! It's health care on your terms, available 24/7/365...our doctors don't take holidays and there are no black out dates! Because of the preventative care opportunities coupled with the immediate access to care when you are sick, it is a no-brainer to add this priced right service now!
Healthy Business: Carson Consulting, LLC (dba Carson Connections), a private business development firm dedicated to helping small businesses create and implement customized strategies around marketing, business process flow, financial analysis and business planning, client management, duplication systems, and more. Your business is unique and cookie cutter solutions are outdated. Bottom line is that we believe Unique People deserve Unique Solutions. So call us to see how we can help you get to the next level.